Curriculum Enrichment
At St Edward’s we believe in offering a wide range of experiences to all children across the year. Experiences range from our whole school pantomime visit; sports workshops, including fencing, climbing, archery, skipping, electric cars and trampolining; musical experiences including African Drumming, whole class recorder and Dood clarinet lessons and our Young Voices Choir. We also enrich the curriculum with theatre visits to school, residential visits, RE trips to places of worship, regular use of the local area – each class visit the library each half term – and we have links with local businesses such as DHL and the airport.
We also enjoy regular visitors to school – Bunty our therapy dog is a firm favourite but we also have geologists, scientists, bee keepers, police officers, fire fighters and many more. School is a busy place!
Our Global Schools Partnership – We have links with a number of schools in Mombasa, Kenya where children from all schools meet online each term and share their learning with each other. The children in Kenya and our children learn so much from each other and the partnership has really broadened the pupils’ wider understanding of the world. Two of our teachers recently visited the schools in Kenya to further strengthen these links.
Our Wider Curricular Enrichment Calendar can be found here.
Instrumental Tuition
We offer lessons in a wide variety of instruments for pupils who wish to learn. Our provider for this is Midlands Music Services. For more information please ask at school or visit their website
In addition to this, the Year 4 class are all taught the recorder and our Year 5 pupils all learn the Dood Clarinet. The musical talents of our pupils are showcased in an annual Summer Concert. If your child would like to have instrumental lessons, please contact the office for further information.